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Bus from Shiraz to Tabriz Timetable

Bus from Shiraz to Tabriz Timetable

Bus from Shiraz to Tabriz Timetable
​Choose Shiraz to Tabriz bus
The first step is choosing Shiraz to Tabriz bus in the form.
Bus from Shiraz to Tabriz Timetable
​Choose your date and time ​
The second step is to define your date and time.
Bus from Shiraz to Tabriz Timetable
​Order your bus ticket
​Order Shiraz to Tabriz bus and HiPersia will send you the tickets soon.

Shiraz to Tabriz buses

General Information about Shiraz to Tabriz bus

​Shiraz terminal has services to Tabriz every day at 14:00 and 15:00.
  • How long does it take from Shiraz to Tabriz?
The distance from Shiraz to Tabriz is about 1401 kilometers and takes approximately 19 hours.
  • How many stops does the bus have on the road? How long does it take? Is it possible to have a meal on the road?
Due to the departure time, the bus usually has two stops for lunch and dinner, which takes about 15 or 20 minutes. 
  • Which bus companies are ready to service on the path and which one is the best?
The bus companies which provide services on this route are: "Gity Navard" and " Tak Safar" and "Seyro Safar".
  • Do the buses run at night on the path?
The buses on the route of Shiraz-Tabriz don't run at night.
  • Which terminals have a run to the Tabriz Terminal?
You can get to the Tabriz Terminal by having a run from Karandish Bus Terminal.
  • What bus classes are ready to serve in this direction?
The VIP buses with a capacity of 25 persons Maral and Scania are ready to serve.
  • How much the passengers can have a bus load?
Every passenger can carry a bus load of up to 20kg. If your bus load is over the maximum amount, you must pay a surcharge.

Book your Shiraz to Tabriz bus tickets with HiPersia

​​​​Fill out the form below and write us your information: departure and arrival cities, date and time, number of passengers, and your full name. Make sure to write your email and especially your phone number so that we can contact you better. Hipersia will send you Shiraz to Tabriz bus ticket prices and the best options via email or social media like WhatsApp. We can contact you faster by your phone number.

Bus from Shiraz to Tabriz Timetable

Karandish Bus Terminal
19 hours/1401KM
Tabriz Bus Terminal
Baggage: 25K
HiPersia HiPersia

Bus to Tabriz

Bus from Shiraz to Kerman Timetable

Karandish Bus Terminal
8 hours/570KM
Kerman Bus Terminal
Baggage: 25K

Bus from Shiraz to Kashan Timetable

Karandish Bus Terminal
9.5 hours/700KM
Kashan Bus Terminal
Baggage: 25K

Bus from Shiraz to Ahvaz Timetable

Karandish Bus Terminal
9 hours/539KM
Ahvaz Bus Terminal
Baggage: 25K
Shiraz's Bus Terminals

Shiraz's Bus Terminals

Tabriz's Bus Terminals

Tabriz's Bus Terminals

Isfahan's Bus Terminals

Isfahan's Bus Terminals

Yazd's Bus Terminals

Yazd's Bus Terminals

Kerman's Bus Terminals

Kerman's Bus Terminals

Tehran's Bus Terminals

Tehran's Bus Terminals

Request your Bus ticket
​Which bus companies are ready to service on the path, and which one is the best?
​The companies, which are ready to service, are Adl, Seirosafar, Royal Safar Iranian, Chaboksavaran, Mihannoor, and Hamsafar. The best bus companies are Seirosafar, Hamsafar, and Chaboksavaran.

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