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Miankaleh peninsula
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Miankaleh peninsula

If you are a birdwatcher, you may have heard of the name Miankaleh peninsula. This wetland is known as the birdwatching paradise of Iran and is one of the most popular places for migratory birds to spend their winter.

Iran is located in a hot and dry area. For this reason, numbers of migratory birds come to Iran every year to escape the severe cold of the northern parts of the world. Areas that birds choose for during the cold seasons include various wetlands, beaches, and lakes that spread throughout the country. One of the most famous and popular water zones for migratory birds in Iran is the Miankaleh peninsula in Mazandaran province. Miankaleh Wetland is part of the Miankaleh Wildlife Refuge and is one of the major and valuable bird habitats. It is interesting to know that people can birdwatch there in the cold season.


Miankaleh peninsula


Among the different types of birds found in this area is a range of migratory aquatic birds such as Phoenicopterus, Dalmatian pelican, swans, ducks, geese. There are also birds of prey in this area, such as Western marsh harrier and White-tailed eagle. The terrestrial birds of this wetland can be called pheasants, francolins, and Bee-eater. Alongside these birds, the Miankaleh wetland is a place for breeding fish. Fish such as carp, mullet, Caspian kutum, zander, sturgeon, etc.

Miankaleh peninsula


The Miankaleh Wetland lies within the peninsula of the same name. The Miankaleh is a narrow peninsula and adjoins the Caspian Sea to the north, Gorgan Bay to the south, and Zaghmarz Wetland to the west. To the east of this peninsula is the island of Ashuradeh and runs into the Bandar Torkaman through a narrow strait that length is less than one kilometer.


Miankaleh peninsula


Attention: If you go to this area, do not carry any hunting or air gun with you. At the beginning of the wetland, there is a guard that will not let you get in with a gun.


  • surrounding attractions
    If you want to get there from Sari, you can visit the Dasht-e-Naz protected area and the Zaghmarz Lapoo Wetland on the way.


  • What is the best time to go?

If you like to see migratory birds in Miankaleh wetland, it is best to go there in the fall and winter. The best time for birdwatching is from late November to late February.



  • Getting there?
    The city of Behshahr is much closer than Sari. But we suggest you choose your departure from Sari. Because in this way you can go to other attractions and make the most of your time. You can easily reach this wetland via the Siahkalrood-Mazandaran Road. From Sari to Miankaleh Wetland, you must drive about an hour.




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