Ordinary Taxis are available in cities like Tehran, Isfahan, Mashhad and Tabriz. You can obtain them anywhere. Read about the ordinary taxi specification.
As a public transportation, you can use ordinary taxis. The ordinary taxis work freely and you can obtain them anyplace. The route is determined based on the first passenger who hail for a taxi and as the same way, the next passengers are picked. These types of taxis with a capacity of four passengers, are mostly in sun yellow with an orange line. The most models of taxis that work for this purpose, are Peugeot and Samand. The logos and signs of Taxi organization is on the door of these taxis and all have orange ceilings. The taxi fares are calculated based on a taximeter and the taxi rates are variable for a specific day of a year such as rainy and snowy days and this type of taxi are usually directed to the busy areas of the city where the passengers are gathered. You can as well see some other taxi in throughout the city that Simultaneously work with these ordinary taxis. These cab drivers operate with their own individual vehicle in order to transport passengers. You can also get a private ride that called “Darbasti” and you need to negotiate with taxi drivers to agree to a price before getting into the car and also can’t find a taxi rate less than 10,000 tomans.