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Mosque, the manifestation of Iranian architecture
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Mosque, the manifestation of Iranian architecture

Iran has many dazzling mosques that draw many tourists throughout the world annually. Visit the most beautiful mosque in the world in Iran.

Definitely, Iran is one of the best destinations for those who want to soak up the atmosphere and beauties of the mosques. By stepping in the Iran mosques, the eyes are dazzled by vibrant colors spread in all elements, fine Muqarnas, colorfully stained glasses, graceful and elegant tile works, magnificent domes, and eye-catching Sahns and Iwans. By visiting Iran mosques, discover the glory and beauty of Iranian architecture.

In the following, get acquainted with the various components of the Iran mosques.


  • Sahn:
    Sahn is the first part of the mosque, which connects the visitors to the mosque's designs and spirit. As the visitor enters the Sahn, the colors, architectural decorations, and water of Howz (pool) purify the soul. Sahn is actually a courtyard in Islamic architecture, which is surrounded by an arcade on all sides. The most traditional mosques have a large central Sahn.
  • Iwan:
    The mosques in Iran have the most beautiful Iwans of the Islamic world, with their balanced structure and semicircular shape embellished with brick, tile, and plaster. Iwan is a rectangular hall or space, usually vaulted, walled on three sides, with one end entirely open.
  • Minaret:
    Minaret, which is also known as Goldaste, is a type of tower that serve multiple purposes. Most of the mosques have flanked by two minarets and the initial ones made as guides to lead travelers. Later, they provide a visual focal point and have been using for the Muslim call to prayer.
  • Dome:
    Domes are also one of the hallmarks of Islamic architecture, the most diverse of which have used in Iran.  Colorfully tiled and gilded domes are also characteristic of Iranian mosques. These domes have made of crude clay, bricks, and stones that sparkle throughout Iran. The magnificent domes are graced with elegant turquoise tiling, beautiful scripts, and colossal size.
  • Mihrab:
    Mihrab indicates the Qibla of Muslims and show the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca and hence the direction that Muslims should face when praying. Mihrab is the turning point of a mosque and usually built in a semicircular shape in the wall.


Read on to discover six beautiful mosques in Iran as follows:



See the wonders of the oldest and the biggest mosque in Iran. See a magnificent Mihrab and magic domes. Listen to the reflection of the sound of “Azaan” and feel the spirit of beauty and magic.

Jameh Mosque of Isfahan

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Beauty, peace and glory have all gathered in Nasir al Mulk Mosque. Compared with other mosques of Iran, Nasir al Mulk Mosque Architecture  is completely different: The mosque has wonderful stained glass, so once the sunlight hits the stained glass, the entire building is flooded by a rainbow of colors.

Nasir al Mulk Mosque

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It’s not just any mosque, it’s one of the best. Vakil Mosque is one of the life-changing destinations in the world for those who want to get different experiences. Marvel at the gorgeous mosque of Vakil and immerse yourself in the eye-catching architecture of Persia!

Vakil Mosque

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No matter where you stay in the Yazd, the Jame mosque of Yazd is clearly visible from every corner of the city! This beautiful mosque is a magnificent masterpiece of Islamic architecture that draws many people from all over the world like a magnet.


Jame mosque of Yazd

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A combination of architecture and history with colorful tiles such as Mosaic tiles, Girih tiles, and Muqarnas surrounded by the stable adobe-brick structure in the middle of a desert, amazes everyone to a fabulous experience.

Amir Chakhmaq Mosque:

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The Goharshad mosque is one of the interesting places in the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza. Because of its traditional architecture style, elegant carving, gorgeous tiles and grandeur dome, the mosque becomes as a tourist destination of Mashhad city.

Goharshad Mosque

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